Angela's testimony of getting rid of bitterness and getting set free:

Have you ever felt hopeless?  That was the story of my life!

I grew up afraid for my life due to being abused.  I didn't trust anyone and felt that God hated me.  I was so hurt that I even blamed God for allowing the abuse to happen to me. I felt rejected by everyone and to say I felt hopeless is a major understatement.  Feeling suicidal and completely hopeless, I had nowhere to turn.  That's when my friend called me...

She told me that God loved me and had a plan for my life.  She said He could help me, but I did NOT believe that.  I had nowhere else to turn so I cried out to God, asking Him to help.  

The first step for me towards healing was to open my heart and to let go of all the lies I believed about God and to change me perspective on who I thought He was.  When I was able to let go of all of the unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, blame, and judgements toward Him and everyone else who hurt me, everything changed in my life.

God healed me and revealed to me that He truly cares about everything we are going through and deeply wants us to walk in the abundance He created for us.  Over the past 25 years I have witnessed Him bring healing to multitudes of people, and I believe He wants to do the same thing for you!

I've prayed for people and seen miracles right before my eyes: deaf ears open, people walk out of wheelchairs, and people literally get up out of their hospital bed in the last hours of life-- totally healed.

But to date, the GREATEST miracle I've ever seen is what God did in my heart when He turned my depressed, hopeless, and suicidal life around from death to life. 

I just want to encourage you...  if He can heal me, He can heal YOU!  

Back Surgery Canceled & Heart Healed

I had been in several car accidents over the years and had excruciating back and neck pain.  My doctor wanted to do surgery and this would have taken me several months of rehabilitation, without a promise of total healing. Thankfully, my friend encouraged me to work with Angela as she had helped several of our friends receive healing.  As Angela told me her testimony, all of the emotional pain from my past surfaced and I started to cry deeply. That day she walked me through several hours of emotional healing and all the depression that had been over me for most of my life was completely gone.  I felt 100 pounds lighter and was filled with a joy that I can’t even explain.  Then she prayed for my back and neck, and I was completely healed.  I could bend over and touch my toes. jump up and down, and even run without any pain. That day my life completely changed as God healed me from the inside out! I learned that day that God does care about every part of us and truly wants us healed.  -   Alexa 

Scoliosis healed

When I was a teenager, I had Angela and her daughter Moriah pray for me because I had scoliosis and was in constant pain.  During prayer, I got really hot and I felt my spine move.  I didn’t say anything, but Angela said, “Did you feel that?  I just saw your spine straighten.”   As I bent over and moved around, I noticed that all of the pain was gone. My doctor said I received a miracle and I haven’t had any pain since then.  -   Stephanie

Sickness, hopelessness, and broken heart healed 

After going through a divorce, I was extremely depressed and felt hopeless about my future. When I started having health problems, I contacted Angela for help as she had helped quite a few of my friends. As she led me through releasing the emotional pain and weights I’d been carrying in my spirit, soul and body, all the hopelessness and sickness disappeared. As I followed her recommendations and took charge of every part of my life, I was able to love myself for the first time. Thanks to her coaching, I learned how to create the life I wanted, lost 50 pounds and am now stepping into the dream I had as a young teenager.  My life has never been more exciting!  If you’re hurting in any way, I encourage you to learn from Angela as life is just too short to not enjoy every bit of it.  -  Marcy

Deaf ear healed

I had suffered damage to my ear when I was a young girl, and was deaf in my left ear. One day as Angela shared how she had been healed of whiplash that affected her back and neck, faith rose up in me and I asked her to pray for me. During prayer, I felt intense heat in my ear, and I could feel something happening.  Within a minute or 2 the heat left and everything got really loud.  When I told her, she said, “You just got healed.  Cover your right ear and we’ll check it out.”  She started with a normal tone and I could hear her just fine.  Then she turned around and whispered and I could still hear everything that she said.  I’m so grateful for this miracle, and thank God for it. -  Tiffany 

Stage 4 Brain Cancer healed

I was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer and was told by my doctor that there was no hope.  Angela taught us God's Word on healing, prayed for me (and my family), and filled us with so much hope.  As she walked me through the healing process, it touched every area of my being and impacted all of us. At one point, I was even put in hospice, but she stood by our sides through the worst battle of our lives and wouldn't let us give up.  She kept praying and encouraging us that God wanted me healed and that was where we needed to keep our focus. We learned to let go of fear, and hold onto that hope.  As I did that, I received a miracle and was healed of cancer!  If you need hope and encouragement that you can be healed, Angela can help you the way she did for me!   -  Troy

Torn Rotator Cuff healed 

I had a torn rotator cuff, and after surgery and being off of work for 2 months, it still wasn’t getting much better. I worked at FedEx and the doctor said I would need surgery because I still couldn’t lift my arm without pain.  As Angela prayed for me all the pain left, and I was able to lift my arm for the first time in many months pain free! What a miracle.  -  Joseph

Surgery Cancelled and Stomach healed 

My baby was sick and needed to have surgery as food wasn’t getting into her stomach. Although I didn’t believe that God still healed people, I knew how bad Angela's pain had been before.  When she asked if she could pray for her, I said yes.  I figured it certainly couldn't hurt as everyone else had been praying.  Praise God, after Angela prayed she quit throwing up.  When I took her to the doctor, they told me that she was healed and wouldn't need the surgery.  I am no longer a skeptic in the power of God to heal the sick as He performed a miracle for my baby girl. -  Leslie

Arthritis healed

I have suffered with arthritis for many years and had to use a motorized cart to get around due to the intense pain. As I heard Angela teach about healing I realized that although I wanted to be free from the physical pain, I'd also been carrying around emotional pain for many years too. I so wanted the complete freedom she was talking about, and I started believing that God wanted to heal me too. After she walked me through letting go of the emotional pain, I felt a huge weight had been lifted from my chest and I could breathe freely. Then she prayed for me and all of the joint pain left– I was able to get out of my cart and walk upright! What a miracle! - Judy

Cervical Cancer Healed

In 2005, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. After prayer, I felt I should cancel the surgery.   That's when I found Angela’s healing ministry, (the Healing Rooms) and she and her team prayed for me weekly. The prayers and Angela’s teaching strengthened my faith to believe I would be healed.  I also worked with an Alternative Doctor and used all natural products. I did what I needed to do and took care of myself by detoxing and also feeding my spirit, mind, emotions and my body with things that would bring life.   

Nine months later my test came back negative. I now have over 12 years of clear test and good health! I'm forever grateful to God, Angela, and the HR team!   -  Brenda

Depression & Broken Heart Healed  

It seems like much of my life has been a series of one roller coaster after another.  I lost my business, my house, my marriage and I lost custody of my children.  I was depressed, angry, resentful and totally heart broken.  I turned to negative influences – excess drinking, eating, etc. and knew I needed help.  I’m so grateful for Angela as she helped me walk through releasing the emotional pain, anger and resentment I was holding against my ex and the depression and addiction disappeared.  What happened in my heart and life is nothing short of a miracle! She helped me transform my emotions and thinking to create the kind of life I want.  I’m finally able to dream again and am filled with so much hope! If she could help me heal after my brokenness, she can help anyone.  -  Corey

Back Healed

I had back injuries from a car accident that happened years ago. I had thrown my back out again and had such intense pain I could barely stand. As I heard Angela's healing testimony I was encouraged and hoped that I could get free from this pain as well. As she prayed, I felt a peace come over me and the pain lessened. As she walked me through releasing the burdens and emotional stress, I felt a heaviness leave my chest. I felt my spine adjust and every bit of the pain left me. I feel more free than I've felt since before the accident and am thankful to be healed. - Marcus

Neck Pain, Nerve Damage, Anxiety, Dizziness, and more healed

"I had been ill for three years with shingles and PHN (post-herpatic nerve damage), which resulted from shingles. I suffered a staph infection after having a TENS [Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation] machine implanted into my spine for the severe pain and burning. This infection can be paralyzing. My treatment involved eight weeks of strong antibiotics infused two times a day. I was hospitalized, and the doctors surgically implanted a Pic Line to protect my veins.

"Two weeks after the injections were finished, another driver rear-ended me going 60 miles an hour. My injuries included painful migraines, a concussion, confusion, brain fog, memory loss, fatigue, a neck injury, a sprain, whiplash affecting the occipital lobes, causing severe eye pain with nausea, carpal tunnel, nerve damage, and a frozen shoulder. 

I had to retire as a music teacher. My driving was very limited, as it became too difficult. I couldn’t do simple tasks and household chores. My therapy included four medications daily for pain, a TENS unit and pain patches, additional medication for anxiety, hot and cold packs, physical therapy three times a week, doctor visits two times a week, seeing a specialist once a week and my primary care doctor once a month for MRIs, CAT scans, braces on both forearms, and TENS machine at night. I never slept all night, and could not stay up more than two or three hours at a time.

"When Angela prayed for me (with her team interceding) there was a release of burdens and self-condemnation that I had carried. Then as they prayed for my neck injury, all of a sudden a terrific pain came into my head and neck that was more severe than it had ever been. Angela explained that this was the enemy trying to hold on and that it would go away as they kept praying. My entire body became extremely hot, and then all the pain left. Praise God!

"Next, I received prayer for the nerve pain in my back from the shingles. The nerve inside my back became hot, starting at my neck and going all the way down my spine and into my hips. Tremendous joy was bursting out of me—laughing and crying at the same time. I looked in the mirror and saw bright color return to my face and I saw life come back into my eyes. I was glowing!

"Angela had me run down the hall to check out my healing. I bent my head over, touched the floor, and raised my arms over my head, and there was no pain or dizziness! I had been unable to read anything because of the concussion, so I sat down and read for ten minutes without eye or head pain. As I went to the computer, I found out that my coordination and ability to process information had returned. 
Since that day, I have been performing normally in every activity. I can read labels in grocery stores without nausea and can work on my computer again, and I am amazed. I remember directions and remember where I am. I have been outside at the beach in the heat without the itching and burning of the nerve in my back where the shingles had been. I have energy to enjoy my grandchildren. I have eaten foods that I have not been able to tolerate. I can raise my arm without pain. I haven’t used the TENS unit, pain patches, or hot or cold packs, and I have not needed the medications for the shingles.

"I am forever grateful to Jesus for my incredible healing, as I now have my life back. My husband really thanks you and your team, Angela. My family, friends and my ministry have all been affected by this healing. God bless you!" - Britt

Cancer healed-- Angela shares Herb's Story:

My first mentor Herb Mjorud had been an athiest attorney when God revealed Himself to him and called him into the ministry. As a Lutheran Pastor, he didn't believe that God healed the sick, or that He worked miracles today. However, one day a man from his church came to him asking him if the Bible was true, and that he could be healed. Herb told him that the Bible was true. The man wanted to be prayed for immediately. Now Herb very much doubted it would help as he thought that God only healed people in Bible times. After prayer, this man who had a terminal condition, stood up healed. Needless to say, Herb was shocked! As this man's testimony went out, many more wanted prayer, and they too were healed. Revival broke out, and God proved that He indeed is faithful to heal the sick.

Although Herb prayed for multitudes of people and saw them healed, he himself was attacked with cancer 8 times over the course of his life. 

It would have been an easy matter to become discouraged, hopeless, and depressed, especially when 5 return bouts of cancer indicated that the disease was winning, and 2 times they said he wouldn't make it until the morning. Questions arose from people... "If God's healing was real, wouldn't He have done the job perfectly, once and for all?"

Regardless of what He felt or went through, Herb did NOT allow himself to dwell on discouraging negative thoughts. Instead, he kept declaring, "God said He will heal me, and He doesn't lie. God cannot go back on his promise. He must heal you if you are to be healed at all."

Herb didn't avoid medical treatment, but he never forgot this one thing:

No matter how good your physician, no matter how conscientious the nurses and relatives who care for you, ONLY God's blessing can heal you.

Having an upbeat, positive, fact-based attitude is one of the instruments he used in order to receive his healing.  He and his family refused to accept death. They continued to believe God’s Word as absolute truth and declared that he would not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord (Psalm 118:17).

They weren’t disappointed either because both times the Lord completely healed him in the eleventh hour.


Like Herb and his family, no matter what you are up against, do NOT give up!  God’s Word doesn’t lie, and He doesn’t change His mind either about what He already paid for in all that Jesus accomplished.  God has the final word and that is: by Jesus’ stripes, you are healed. 

In closing, I want to remind you that our heavenly Father desires to do super-abundantly over and above all we could ever dare ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). Let it sink in that He really does love you more than you can ever get your mind around. His will is to prosper you and to give you all future you’re hoping for (Jeremiah 29:11).

Remember, God doesn’t think the way you do. His ways are different and higher than ours (Isaiah 55:9).

God is so awesome, so start daydreaming about the abundance that He wants to give you-- His precious child. He says, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; You are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flames scorch you. For I am the Lord your God” (Isaiah 43:1-2).

I encourage you to press in today for your healing because as Jesus said, “It is finished!” Be willing to trade your sickness and pain for the truth of the Word of God, and by faith reach out and grab hold of your healing. It’s a free gift, and with the simple faith of a child, you can receive it today because He loves you.

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